Saturday, March 22, 2014

Naruto: Figures: Shippuuden Shinobi Collection

Note:  Please check the Sales/Trades post to see if this item is for sale/trade.

Price Estimate:  ~$37
Purchased:  Unknown
Source:  SalesmanB2B

I remember buying this set of figurines from SalesmanB2B and thinking that I got a good deal, but now I'm not so sure they're authentic.  They came out of their boxes and the boxes were flat, which I thought was odd.  The boxes also look like they were printed off a cheap printer; the ink is not very dark and it looks very low quality.  If they are actually bootleg, then I unfortunately spent around $40 on them (which was probably about the price of the actual figures).

I accidentally broke the peg on one of Sakura's feet.  She still stands fine on her own, but she's not very stable.  Unfortunately the peg is stuck in her foot, so I can't fix it.

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