Friday, July 11, 2014

Sailor Moon: Keychains: Metal Plate Keychains Set 2

Note:  Please check the Sales/Trades post to see if this item is for sale/trade.

Price:  2625 yen (~$26)
Purchased:  May 30, 2014
Source:  Yahoo! Auctions

I bought these almost as soon as they came out.  Normally I would wait, but I went ahead anyway since I was already shipping the first set.  I think I still managed to snag a pretty good deal, though.

I'm not as impressed with these as I am with the first set.  The outers' transformation sticks are just so bland compared to the inners'.  I wish they had a little more depth to them.  Also, I'm not really sure I like the gold ones.  They look a little odd, if you ask me.  But since this set had Uranus' and Pluto's transformation stick, I had to have them.

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