Sunday, April 20, 2014

Inuyasha: Misc: Kagome and Inuyasha Clips

Note:  Please check the Sales/Trades post to see if this item is for sale/trade.

Price Estimate:  ~$1
Purchased:  Unknown
Source:  Unknown (probably an anime convention)

These are actually clips (like the kind you would use to hold paper together).  I probably bought these because they were cute and cheap.  I think they were only like $0.50 each, which was definitely in my budget.  They're a little dirty, but I can't remember if that was my fault or if I bought them like that.

I just realized that one of Inuyasha's eyes look weird.  One of his irises is too small, so it makes him look cross-eyed.  It could just be the photo, though.  My camera doesn't always take the best pictures.

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