Sunday, April 20, 2014

Sailor Moon: Figures: Sailor Moon Figuarts Zero

Note:  Please check the Sales/Trades post to see if this item is for sale/trade.

Price:  6160 (~$60)
Purchased:  April 7, 2014
Source:  CDJapan

I originally wasn't going to buy for various reasons:  1) I didn't want to get sucked into collecting $80 figures (and I will have to buy all of the Figuarts Zeros now for Sailor Moon), and 2) I didn't like how Bandai positioned her arm (that bend is so unnatural!).  But I caved and bought her when CDJapan had her for 25% off.  I ended up spending only $77 total (with shipping) rather than the $90 I would normally have spent.  And I got her a month earlier because I didn't buy from Amazon!

The figure is surprisingly big.  I had seen comparison pictures of it with the Sailor Moon S.H. Figuarts online, but they didn't look that drastically different as they do in real life.  The box alone would take up a significant amount of shelf space, so I can't imagine how much space 5 (or more) would need!  I love the art on the box.  It's very pretty.

(Comparison picture.  It was shot at a weird angle, so the S.H. Figuarts boxes probably look a little bigger than they actually are; the middle box was lined up with the Figuarts Zero box.  It's not obvious in the picture, but the middle S.H. Figuarts box is about 1.5" higher than the Zero box; the Zero box is about 5" high.)

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